This first post shall be about 2011 and what my goals are for this year. I don't really like calling them 'resolutions' as that word doesn't seem fitting, the word 'goals' seems better. Goals seem more achievable, more realistic. Personally I feel that resolutions seem more like dreams that, for the most part, aren't ever realised. Anyhow, I'm blabbering on my own blog. The goals below are detailed, and if I feel I'm losing motivation in reaching any of them, I will come back here to read them again for inspiration :) I've also explained them as best I can for those who are interested. You might notice the theme of my goals has a lot to do with my health hehehe!
2011 Goals
1) Get healthy - Part 1: Weight Loss.
I ended 2010 with a near 10kg weight loss (yay, go me, LOL). I still have a while to go yet though with another 20kg to lose. To some of you, that may seem excessive. To me, it seems reasonable - not to mention sensible. Losing 20kg will get me well into the healthy weight range without bordering on being underweight. The weight I plan on maintaining is very sensible and has been approved by my doctor and by a friend who supported me through my E.D in 2004. I know the line between eating disorders and diets is thin (pardon the pun), but what I'm doing is good for me. If I feel I'm coming too close to that line again, I know where to seek help. Not that I'll need to though, I'm mainly typing this so a couple of beautiful friends AKA worry warts won't be concerned hehe.
Losing the rest of the weight will also get me to what I feel is my ideal size, which is a size 10-12. Eating healthy and being more active won't (and isn't) just doing me the world of good, it is ensuring that my son will grow up with the right knowledge when it comes to good health. It will ensure he grows up knowing that eating well and being active are paramount to his entire well being. A healthy family is a happy one, and that's what we are :) and will continue to be.
2) Get healthy - Part 2: Smoking.
Notice how I did not say "Give up smoking"? There's a reason for that. The above (losing weight) will take time. I'm not putting an estimate on it other than wanting to be a certain weight by my birthday and then at (or around) my final goal by Spring. That may happen sooner, it may happen later.
Now, what I will not do, what I refuse to do, is give up smoking cigarettes whilst I am on my journey to my goal weight...which is actually in the best interests of my health. I will continue to monitor my cigarettes per day, and I will proudly continue to cut down the amount of cigarettes I smoke per day (like I have been doing for some time since I started smoking again mid 2010).
The reason I will not give up cigarettes completely before I'm at my target weight (which I plan on maintaining) is because it's a recipe for disaster. Cutting out smokes = temptation to overeat. Obesity took over from tobacco as the leading cause of death in this country some time ago now. I don't want to be obese. I don't want to be a smoker. I plan on being neither, however I plan on "fixing" my weight before I "fix" my terrible habit of smoking. "Fixing" both at the same time would result in failure, and a heart attack waiting to happen before the age of 30. Quitting cigarettes whilst in the process of adjusting to a new, healthier lifestyle just isn't a good idea for me, personally. One before the other.
3) Get healthy - Part 3: A more assertive Emily.
Oh boy, how this one goal will tie in to my first two goals will blow my mind I'm sure lol ;)
I'll happily debate so many topics with anyone who'll care to debate them. I'll happily defend so many of my decisions and choices, sometimes to complete strangers. I'll happily share my opinion, and be passionate about it when it comes to this, that and everything in between.
Yet, what do I do when I should be standing up for myself? Defending myself in situations where my choices as a woman, as a mother, as a person are questioned, put down, or even mocked? I shut down. I simply nod, smile...and even agree...just so I can avoid an argument or confrontation.
Take note and listen up - THAT ENDS NOW. Sorry to shout but just needed to get that message across to everyone (including myself)! Some general examples of what I'm getting at, if I may:
- Question my parenting? I'll answer you. You won't like it though, I may even question yours.
- Criticise the fact that I smoke? Well, be prepared for me to criticise the ways you're killing yourself.
- Become passive aggressive (or downright rude) because I don't follow your advice (which I probably haven't even asked for in the first place)? LOL...See how fast I start avoiding you.
- Mock my illness (Fibromyalgia)??? See how fast I start avoiding you, or completely wipe you from my life.
- Put down myself, my family or my friends? One word; Don't.
No matter how difficult or awkward I may find it, I will stand up for myself whenever I need to, I'm worth being respected.....especially by myself ♥
Well, there you have it. My 2011 in the making and it's already begun. As have the goals, as has achieving them. One by one and at the same time :)
Until next time,
You go girl, don't take no crap from no one :) And agreed on the smoking don't give up, I gave up cold turkey once and put on so much weight :( Not that I am saying to kill yourself smoking either, hell I am killing myself also and would like to give up again, but when I am ready as I find with two young ones it is a bit of a stressful time and I am not condoning smoking in that sense but for me it works and as I said will do it when I am ready, both physically and emotionally. Great blog good on you, I wish I had time but now that I work as well there is little time for me as it is, haha. Will pop in and check you out when I can :)