Friday, December 30, 2011

New Years Resolutions!

Yep, it's that time again :) I've made resolutions for the last few years and have stuck to them all.  I have thought long and hard about what goals I'd like to achieve next year and have come up with the following:

In 2012, I resolve to:

1) Lose the remaining weight, sensibly.

2) Be more spontaneous, try new things & don't think so much.

3) Stop worrying about money.

4) Be myself - confidently and ignore/discard anyone who has a problem with that.

5) Let go of the fears that hold me back.

I've already put a few of these resolutions into practice over the last few months. I've been forced to face certain fears head on for my own health and safety, it was frightening but obviously it had to happen and I'm glad I was brave during it, I had no idea I was that strong. I've also let go of grudges and am still in the process of letting the other pesky, remaining grudges go. It's not worth it - the people I'm holding the grudges against are not worth it.

I've definitely been more spontaneous this year than ever before but plan to push that to the next level. If you've seen 'Yes, Man' starring Jim Carrey then you'll know what I mean ;) I plan to say YES more and try not to say NO unless I really have to. When it comes to weight loss, well I'm 12kg down (yay!!) and have 10kg more to go. I know I can do it as I've lost more than that already!

I think the toughest resolutions will be to stop worrying about money and to really be myself confidently. I don't know why I worry about money when I do have savings (enough for several 'rainy days'), parents who love throwing money at me LOL and have a husband who earns a weekly's silly to worry over it and I have to stop. Same goes for worrying what others think of me. If they don't like me, f*ck them :) I absolutely resolve to be myself and NOT try to impress anyone. My family and friends love me for who I am - as do I.

I am funny, intelligent, witty, supportive, a good listener, affectionate, warm, caring, sarcastic and honest.  I will not be holding back for anyone any more. I had no idea how many people truly cared about me until I went through Hell (ie October and November 2011). My friends near and far, My parents and brother, my cousins from overseas, my husband - they all rallied together and got me through it. It's those people who deserve me at my best and that's what they'll get (and already get now) ♥.

That beautiful saying "Live as though Heaven is on Earth, Sing as though no one can hear you, Dance as though no one is watching and Love as though you have never been hurt before" is one that I am going to live by this year.

I plan on having a lot of fun in 2012! Happy New year everybody :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Em I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award, check out all the info here xx
