Now, unless you've been living under a rock or purposely avoid watching/reading the news, Kronic has been one of the hottest issues in the media lately. It came into the headlines a couple of months ago due to the use of Kronic being rife amongst the mine workers in this country, namely WA. Since then, there has been a high amount of controversy amongst state Health Ministers and Politicians over the legality of the substance.
"What is Kronic"? you may ask. Kronic is a synthetic Cannabis product. It's different to Cannabis in it's compounds and make up though. Cannabis contains the illegal substance known as THC. Synthetic Cannabis (aka Kronic) contains no THC but a substance known as JWH instead. This substance (JWH) has recently been made illegal in WA, Tasmania and SA. To possess, sell or use Kronic in these states is now a criminal offence with maximum penalties being huge cash fines or up to 25 years in prison. Kronic will most likely be banned in all other states over the coming weeks and months.
"Why is Kronic going to be made illegal in this country"? You tell me. Speculation is really open to anyone at this point. The reasons our government are giving us in the bid to ban Kronic nationally are absolute nonsense. Their reasons include the potential health dangers of the product, the unknown short term and long term health effects of the product and the obvious reason being that Kronic has the exact same effect on ones central nervous system as good old Marijuana.
Now, I am going to rip those illogical reasons to shreds in a moment, have no doubt. However, firstly, let me ask you this. How many people die per day and per year because of cigarettes (perfectly legal)? How many people die per day and per year because of alcohol (perfectly legal)? How many people present at Emergency Departments because of health problems due to both these legal substances? How many people develop and suffer with mental illnesses solely due to their use of alcohol, per day? While we're at it, are you aware how dangerous perfectly legal energy drinks (such as Red Bull and 'V') are to your health? to your childs health? Have a read about how many people, particularly minors, present to Emergency Departments all over Australia due to the effects that a seemingly innocent looking 4 pack of Red Bull had on their heart and their young developing brain. Was it the Gaurana or Taurine in that drink that caused them to be rushed to hospital? It could of been. It was more likely the frightening amount of caffeine in those innocent looking drinks that landed them in hospital though..
Now, back to the idiotic reasons our government are moving to ban Kronic. A legal substitute for Cannabis that has been around for the best part of a decade - with no reports of death or serious health problems due to using it.
1) The potential health dangers of the product.
Let's look at this for a moment rationally, taking into account that not one person has died or had their life threatened due to using Kronic. There are very clear warnings given when purchasing Kronic. The warnings state that one should start with only a tiny pinch of the substance and give it time to "kick in" before smoking any more. The warnings also state not to use Kronic with any other substances (including ANY medication), not to use Kronic before driving or working (especially with heavy machinery), not to use Kronic unless you're over the age of 18, not to use Kronic if you suffer any health condition including any Mental Illness.
These warnings come straight from the makers of the stuff. From day one, they've wanted their product to be restricted and regulated. From day one, they've had the safety of Kronic users in mind.
Every single person (and this is documented) in this country and NZ who've presented to Emergency Departments have either smoked too much Kronic too fast, have ingested Kronic with other drugs (mainly alcohol) or regularly take medications. These people did not follow the instructions. They represent the minority of Kronic users. There is a term called "greening out" when one smokes too much Cannabis - and this is what happened to those people who smoked too much Kronic. They felt like they were about to die due to a severe panic attack that was induced simply because they didn't follow the directions before using Kronic.
2) The unknown short term and long term health effects of the product.
Again, another very silly reason based on nothing but an ignorant and moral public panic from parents who can only be compared to that of Helen Lovejoy from The Simpsons ("Won't somebody please think of the children!!").
To ban anything based on the unknown and "what if" factor doesn't make sense and is illogical. If the government are going to ban Kronic for this reason, then I'm afraid half the contents of our chemists should be taken off the shelves - especially the prescription stuff. Many medications have only been around for a short time, some for a shorter amount of time than Kronic has been available. It's not that uncommon to hear news reports of how a seemingly safe prescription drug 10 years ago is now killing people by the hundred! Just look at Stillnox for example (sleeping pill). Scary stuff!
The short term and long term affects of Marijuana are known, they are documented. Weed has been around for thousands of years and *used* to openly be used to not just improve medical conditions, but to cure them. Not one person, ever, has died from using it. Not one person (who wasn't already predisposed to Mental Illness and Psychosis) has ever become ill from using it. It's not a dangerous drug. Yet it's still illegal, which is why Kronic was invented in the first place.
3) Kronic has the exact same effect on ones central nervous system as good old Marijuana.
And this is a good enough reason to ban it?! Because it mimics the same effects of Pot?! Kronic and other Synthetic Cannabis products wouldn't exist if Cannabis was legal. It simply wouldn't need to. The blame for it's invention and existence solely lies with our government, so what right do they actually have to ban it?
Kronic does, for most of us, make us feel stoned the way Cannabis does. Duh??!! That's why we fucking smoke it. Why don't we smoke regular Cannabis? Because it's illegal! Because we don't want to break the law. We don't want to be criminals in the eyes of society.
We love Cannabis, we miss Cannabis - but we just can't take the risk of using it due to our own personal circumstances and beliefs and because the law says that we can't. The only reason we choose Kronic over Cannabis is because it's legal - for now - in some states.
Prohibition didn't work in the 20's with Alcohol and it's not working (never has, never will) with Cannabis now. Nor is it working with any other illicit drugs when you take the time to do the research. All Prohibition does (and has ever done) is fill our prisons with people who simply shouldn't be there. All it does is fuel violent and petty crime, addiction and misery. The government could profit in the hundreds of millions of dollars, per year, by regulating and restricting drugs such as Cannabis. Imagine what that would mean in terms of better drug and alcohol education and treatment.
What will happen when Kronic is banned?
I'll speak for myself first and then on behalf of other users.
When it's banned, I'll stop using it. I'll throw it away. I'll go back to suffering an incurable, chronic pain condition that struck me down last year just before my 27th birthday. I'll go back to doctors writing me prescriptions for Morphine patches, Xanax, Valium, Oxycontin, Fenac and the like. I've never filled such prescriptions as I'd rather put up with the pain and function as a wife, mother and person than kill the pain and live like a zombie.
Smoking Kronic every 2nd night has been the only thing that's helped the joint and muscle pain (which is particularly bad in Winter). I don't take up to 12 Panadol-Osteo tablets per day anymore, I simply don't need to because of the natural anti-inflammatory properties in Kronic. Obviously Cannabis would be even better for my condition (Fibromyalgia) but again, since it's illegal, it's not an option.
I'll also be honest and say that sometimes, on Friday and Saturday nights, I simply prefer to get stoned than have one too many alcoholic beverages. What harm am I doing you by smoking a couple of cones outside in my shed on my property to unwind and relax while you drink too much in the city and make a public nuisance or yourself ? None at all.
On behalf of other Kronic users, well. Some of them will do the same as me, they'll stop using it and throw it away. Some of them started smoking Kronic instead of Cannabis ages ago, so they'll just go back to buying Cannabis since they can no longer legally get stoned with Kronic. Some of them (who've never tried Cannabis ever) will now start buying, selling and using Cannabis since they can no longer do any of that, legally, with Kronic.
So, what will happen? in a nutshell, more crime. Which will be nobodies fault but our governments. By banning Kronic, the government are making every Kronic user a potential criminal. By banning it, they're lining every drug dealers pockets even more than before and are upping the already high number of robberies and other violent criminal acts within this country. By banning it, they're only proving just how much of a nanny state we're living in. By banning it, they're taking our choices and our decisions out of our hands and this needs to stop.
Restrict it. Regulate it. Profit from it!!! Don't ban it.
Over 2.5 million people in this country have been reported as Cannabis users. For the number of people who are really using Cannabis in Australia (not just the recorded/reported cases), you can easily double or even triple that number for a more accurate figure. Add Kronic users to that number. That is millions of people, and being one of those millions, I am tired of keeping my mouth shut because of what my uneducated, ignorant government (and society) think of me.
I am not a criminal. I am a good person. I am a grown up. So treat me that way, please.
If you support me and if you value your rights as an Australian who wants to make his/her own decisions about your own lifestyle, become a fan of my page and have your say. Keep Kronic Legal In Australia. Oh, and if you're tired of living in a nanny state, support The Australian Sex Party (who are supporting myself and others fighting the ban on Kronic).
I will not keep quiet about this. I have written a strong worded letter to the health minister in QLD and a template of that letter is being used by many Kronic users around the country addressed to the health minister of their state. I plan on talking to the media about this and will continue to actively protest against what our government is trying to do. To ALL Kronic (and Cannabis) users, stand up for your rights.
Let's fight to end prohibition in our lifetime, together.
Awesome article. Even remove Kronic/Marijuana out of the equation, it just signals a very dangerous ability that our government holds when making decisions. It's no wonder that our own western countries could never plan a revolt against the government.
ReplyDeleteWe talk about the middle eastern countries fighting against supression. Thats because they have naive leadership that didnt see it coming. In our western culture, our so called democratic societies have so much power, it makes even the hardest dictatorships in the modern world look loose.
Thats my view!
They always try to ban psychedelics. Because they are mind expanding. Take LSD, Salvia, Ganga, Mescalin, etc., etc.,. If we all realized that everything we are told is a lie, then we would be harder to brain wash. It is a threat to the status quo.
ReplyDeleteEvidenced by the fact that conservative governments that run on a platform of liberty for all also, run on parallel platforms of fighting crime. They are always ready to make it easier for business to function by removing consumer and workers rights, while at the same time reducing citizens freedoms of choice (i.e. abortion, drug use).
If everyone tomorrow dropped a couple of tabs of LSD, I guarantee the economy would come to a screeching halt.
Thanks so much :) I appreciate that.