There is no way to explain this without it sounding one of two ways, depending on what type of person you are. If you're awake, you'll see this for what it is (and Namaste to you ♥). If you're not awake yet, you'll either be open to it or view it as complete rubbish. Feel free to have an opinion either way - because it's YOUR opinion and whatever resonates as being true for you IS true for you :) Please be aware it won't (and can't) change my truth...and I completely understand how threatening that can be for some people, truly.
I'll quickly touch on my last two posts before I begin. The first of the last two posts explains the beginning of what I now know to be a profound spiritual awakening - which is the most wonderful, marvelous, beautiful experience I've ever had and am still working through. I am currently in tears just at the memory of how I felt the first day this began - I can't put into words how absolutely magical life has been since this started. Sure, a little scary at first (which is why I was led to an experienced lightworker) - but now that I understand what's happening and why, it's just so wonderful. To live without that all too familiar fear we've all learned over time is simply Heavenly.
The second of the last two posts is a poem I wrote for my dear friend who passed away on the 15th June. She is very much with me in this moment and has a strong connection to what I've been (and am still) going through. Every time I've discovered something new on this path - there she is. When I discovered Doreen Virtue's page on Facebook (one of the most powerful lightworkers in the world) - there was my one friend who 'liked' the page - Fiona :-) When I discovered the Crystal Castle page (beautiful destination in NSW full of Buddha statues, crystals etc), there she was again. When I reached my higher self in the last two meditations...there she was, with me. When I've discovered my own truths through either angel readings or meditations, again, she was right there smiling her beautiful, perfect, angelic smile. I still miss her so very much in the physical sense...but there's no way to be sad about that when I *know* she's still here with everyone she loves in the spiritual sense. Because that's where it counts the most, and always did count the most. She's always been in my heart - nothing's changed.
Now, before I go into this, I want to make it clear that this happened to me - I did not go looking for this. Two months ago I didn't know what angel cards were, my idea of praying was 'ask ask ask - take take take', anything to do with 2012 was utter bullshit, aura's were airy fairy garbage, dreams meant nothing and inner peace was a myth. In other words, even though I always had some kind of faith and belief in God, I really wasn't connected to him or my REAL self in any way, shape or form before this happened.
That all changed though - shortly after my 29th birthday and shortly before my beautiful friend passed away in the physical sense, I won't go into the why's and how's of this because while it makes perfect sense to me, it's almost un-explainable when it comes to typing it. When I woke up one morning around 4 weeks ago...I really did wake up. This is usually known as an awakening or as ascending, again, I can't put into words how beautiful it is, not to mention how exciting it is...especially because it's happened this year.
The comforting/re-assuring part of this is that it's happening to so, so many others right now. Everyone goes through it in different ways but knows the same truth I do - which is that it's imperative we live from the heart and let go of the fear. Easier said than done? I used to think so as well, but here's what I've learned about the term "Easier said than done" - it's a total cop out. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. So at the very least, try.
We are one - humanity I mean. We are ALL energy...everything in this solar system, galaxy, universe is energy. Mother Earth is a living sphere of energy. The human thought process is the strongest force out there and what you give, you really do get back. The most powerful organ in your body is your heart - forget what you've heard about the brain being more powerful, it's been proven that it's the heart. So why are people forgetting to use it more and more? Because they're living their lives based on taught, learned and mind controlled fear and hate. Go and thank your television and computers for that - I did.
The 6 o' clock news is NOT anything more than government controlled media, do you really believe they would EVER let the general population know what's really going on? News type, current affair programs are even fact when you really look at it, it's all one giant commercial and probably the best distraction technique ever thought of. This includes newspapers and magazines that tell you nothing except which toxic toothpaste will make your teeth the whitest and which anorexic, drug addicted celebrity you should strive to look like.
Do you really believe Facebook's a tool designed to re-unite family and old school mates? No. Not only is it a tool for our every move online to be watched, it's also the most passive aggressive, racist, sexist, hate breeding invention of our time...unless you make it a pleasant, positive, loving experience - which you can, simply by 1) not censoring yourself and 2) ridding yourself of any negativity. Be aware your every move is still being watched though. Next time you want to share an image that mocks anyone for a cheap laugh, why not share a Dalai Lama image with a positive message instead? or a joke that doesn't target issues like racism, rape or homosexuality or someone's appearance? I can already hear the "lighten up" comments. Which just proves I'm right about how desensitized and arrogant we, as a race, have really become.
When it comes to our banks, our government (ie controlled puppets), our oil sources, our pharmaceutical sources, our stock markets, our I even need to explain?! Worldwide we've spent TRILLIONS of dollars on un-necessary wars, un-necessary pain and suffering and what have we accomplished by that? Nothing. Yet how many millions of people are starving? How long has World Vision and the like existed now?...and who controls them again?...How many CEO's are given multi million dollar annual bonuses while more and more doctors and nurses are walking out of more and more hospitals because they haven't been paid for saving someone's life? I think you get where I'm going with this. How many more people have to die because of our first world selfishness?! I know it's easier to live in an egotistical sense and continue to spread racism on Facebook, help fund corporations like McDonalds while clogging your arteries and continue watching that big screen in your lounge room which has numbed and desensitized you to what's actually happening right outside. I did it too, and hey, in all seriousness living that way was much easier. But remember what I said about the word 'easier' above being a cop out. Even if I wanted to go back to my old ways, I can't. It's simply not possible to turn your back on reality like that once you've seen it.
So, while all of the above is at times almost unbearably frustrating and very painful to think about - it's also very wonderful because when you wake up to this sort of thing, you also wake up to the other (greater) side of it :) which is that we are one. Every thought we have has an impact on this planet and our reality, everything we do and have ever done is all energy. When you start to live from your heart and base everything you do on what you feel in your heart...all that fear, doubt, constant need for validation and the need to be liked just falls away. When you love yourself (including that inner child you forgot about), your ability to connect with everyone around you improves on a scale of grand proportions - and makes it possible to fall in love with yourself, the world and the universe all over again.
Through meditation, balancing (and healing) my Chakras, through angel readings and simply through feeling connected to our beautiful planet and God - I have become the most empathetic, open minded and spiritually free version of myself I can be. I now connect to my higher (and lighter) self and pay attention to only the important things. Like I said, this is happening to more and more people - millions of people around the world are waking up and seeing reality for what it is and the one thing we all have in common is that we are aware the answer has always and will always be love...and while there has never been such a lack of it in the world the way there is today, there's also never been so many people becoming so spiritually aware (no matter what their religion or lack of it).
Where does 2012 fit into all of this? Apart from the fact we're almost at the 26,000 year mark and apart from the Mayan prophecy (which does NOT spell the end of the world at all), apart from the bizarre weather changes all over the globe and global warming...apart from the fact humanity literally can not get much worse than it is now, apart from all of that, we are, like it or not, entering a new era and life as we know it is going to change- do NOT be afraid of that. (Yep, already hearing the 'is she taking medication' or 'is she smoking weed or something' style thoughts :) don't feel bad, I would of been having the same 'she's nuts' kind of thoughts racing through my head at this point too - it's cool ♥ ). Nobody knows what's going to happen this year, tomorrow, in 2020 or beyond. Only God knows - that is my truth. However, with more and more people waking up - the world can and will only get better and life as we know it WILL change for the better.
Mother Earth (and a massive, growing number of us all over the globe) *must* enter a new phase of consciousness for humanity to survive. The earth changes are already happening more and more, the planetary changes (just as predicted) are coming to pass and again, more and more people are beginning to wake up to what's going on in preparation for it. This, again, means being in touch with our higher/lighter selves, basing our lives (and especially decisions) on the love in our hearts and no longer fearing the unknown. Which is so simple, just be open to it :) Once you realise you're safe and that we're ALL headed for a much better world, the unknown is simply a beautiful mystery - the here and now is the most important thing of all and it is honestly such a very exciting time to be alive.
We (humanity) need change, therefore we are becoming the change. And of course, change isn't always an easy nor smooth transition for those opposed to it - just don't be frightened of it and live your life from your heart (drop the ego once you realise what it is, simply be aware of the world you're living in and look into more positive, self serving, loving ways to spend your time) It's honestly no more complicated than that :) Pay attention to your dreams, allow yourself to do what you enjoy without feeling any guilt over it, stop being so attached to this third dimensional way of living. You can wake up if you want to, the choice has always been yours and will always be yours. At this very moment in time, everything is how it needs to be. Be at one - with every part of yourself and every part of your life. Understand you are home now in every single situation. When everything changes, remain calm, stay in your heart and keep your eyes open.
Much love to you, I am here for ANYONE who needs an ear so don't hesitate to send me a message,
Emily xo.
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