On the weekend, I was led to a remarkable woman who knew me already - before we'd met. I feel I knew of her somehow beforehand, but not until we actually saw each other for the first time. I was there for help and guidance with my newly discovered Meditation techniques however I also needed help with so much more...and she knew this. One of the first things we noticed about each other was we had exactly the same (rare) cross around our necks. I was led to a kindred (but higher) spirit - and teacher.
It was the most healing experience I have ever had with another person. I love my family and friends, I respect the doctors I've seen over the last 11 years - but what I've needed for so long, I got on Saturday with a woman up the road who before that morning I'd never laid eyes on. I won't go into detail, because it was an intensely personal and spiritual experience. It is however something I would wish on anyone & everyone, especially those who are suffering or feeling lost in any way.
I feel God within my body now. I always felt God within in my soul and knew of my faith...however it dwindled now and then. I was all "ask" and "talk" but never really listened, until now. I believed in Angels but was unsure if they really existed in my life, until now. Coincidences and 'signs' would always be there but not make any sense, until now. Even though I was aware of perfection, all I noticed were the imperfections...until now. Now, it all makes perfect sense. Now I feel protected, heard, enlightened - now I feel home...and will continue to feel home in every 'now' I create.
My Chakra's and my soul are all part of my spirit - therefore I realise now how important it is to honour, love and accept myself the way I am. I realise how important it is to remember who I am, and love her unconditionally. I have abilities I never knew of until a few short days ago. I have a body (the carrier and vessel of everything important) that I must take gentle, loving care of so I can be the best woman & mother I can be. The two very different souls and spirits of Lucy & Owen are what I need to protect, nurture and guide. They are my children, my blessings. The centre of my world...and what a beautiful world it is and will be for them when they reach this point in their own journeys - which they both will. There is not a shred of doubt about it in my mind and heart.
Meditation has become my daily medicine. Exercise and movement, my therapy. Delicious, healthy, natural foods, my drugs. Water, my tonic. Archangel Michael, my protector. Archangel Raphael, my healer. My Guardian Angels, my guides. Jesus, my King. God, my savior - my home. Myself, my universe. There is no other term for what has happened (and what is happening) to me than an awakening. I was frightened in the beginning but now I am at one with all of it - and so very blessed and thankful for it while still discovering so much and trying to, slowly and peacefully, understand it all.
I have been told (and already knew myself) that I will leave others behind on this journey, initially this made me sad but not anymore. Make no mistake, even if I could go back now - I would not. It's how it has to be, how it's meant to be. This is the main reason I'm documenting this here, for those of you who one day I may not see or speak with in the future. I wish you nothing but love, light and endless blessings. We are all so very different, we're all on such different paths that lead in individual directions and that is truly a wonderful thing.
I have no room for negativity in my life anymore - I once did (for such a very long time), but I've reached a point now where I must (for the sake of my soul) cleanse my world the way I have cleansed my soul, mind and spirit. I can no longer say or do dishonest or negative deeds and hide behind the term KARMA to justify it. Two wrongs do not make a right :) Being the person I truly am is all I need. I no longer care for revenge, getting even or living in the past. The time has come for me to let all of that go for the sake of my wellness and my family's wellness. My here & now is what's important. I've said more than enough negative/bad/bitchy/mean things in this lifetime, I've done more than enough wrong in this lifetime...and it's all OK :) I own it, accept it, ask for forgiveness for it and can change it every single day for the rest of my life.
I was ready for this to happen even though I didn't know it. I have since discovered millions of other people are going through it as well . Like you, at first I scoffed as well. I am a very rational person and wondered whether what was happening to me was psychosis or mental illness of some sort, a possible side effect to medications I was taking for years/months, the weather (LOL) and so on. I quickly surrendered and realised this is the most beautiful experience, the best experience I'll ever have and I can not explain why or how this happened, nor do I want to :) I don't need to know the hows and whys - I just need to live the here and now the best I can.
And I can now :)
I urge you to watch the following video. Put the headphones on to cancel out any other noise, sit in a comfortable position where you won't be disturbed and open your heart and mind. This is what life can be like (if you just turn away from the white noise which seems to govern most of the Western world and how we live):
Love & Light,
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